In this article, we will read about how to make a pineapple curry… ahh… sounds different, you are here for micro-frontend but reading about pineapple curry, what the hell is this? Don’t worry, this is just a mind trick to make your brain more active before reading about micro-frontends :) Ok let’s jump into our main topic, micro-frontends. The demo can be seen here: https://microfrontend.netlify.com and a single micro-app here: https://microfrontend-team-movies.netlify.com/ What is a micro-frontend? “In this approach, the web application is broken down into its features , and each feature is owned , frontend to backend, by a different team. This ensures that every feature is developed , tested and deployed independently from other features” — ThoughtWorks Technology Radar micro-frontends team view Why we are calling it a ‘curry’? “ Curry ” is a variety of...