
Showing posts from May, 2019

Front-end State Containers: Effective Selection

In today’s frontend ecosystem, there is an overflowing ocean of state containers and every developer is sailing with one or the other state container. State container is like an abstraction which helps in managing application state. If you are not aware of what a State container and State is then stop here, and read this blog before continuing. In this tutorial, I’m going to show you how to create a simple “ ToDo” app in React using some of the popular state container choices like, Hooks , Redux , Mobx , and setState . Let’s get started. Quickly, see what we are going to build, I divided the ToDO application in three-part 1.     Add Item – this will add a new item in the to-do list 2.     Item List – this will compose a list of Items and display ToDo and Completed List 3.     Item – leaf level component which has a.     Checkbox b.     Item text c.      Delete 4...